Anyone can learn to Code. This is where we are going to prove it.

Core Concepts

What is a Computer

A computer is a machine that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming. Modern computers have the ability to follow generalized sets of operations, called programs. These programs enable computers to perform an extremely wide range of tasks. A "complete" computer including the hardware, the operating system (main software), and peripheral equipment required and used for "full" operation can be referred to as a computer system. This term may as well be used for a group of computers that are connected and work together, in particular a computer network or computer cluster.


Computers have input, output and a way to process all the instructions in between. In the olden days people were computers. Someone would give a person some information with instructions on what to do with that information. The instruction could be to produce something, store somethings, transmit the information to someone else or any number of things.

The person would then perform a series of processes to to achieve the desired outcome. If something went wrong or they ran into a problem maybe they would report back to requestor.

Eventually we came up with a way for machines to perform these tasks. Eventually these human computers would become computer programmers.

At the core of it all a computer is a tool for processing instructions, that's it. Nothing complicated about that right?

The computer Interprets these instructions via input. Input can come in many forms but the important takeaway is this. Software, apps, programs, web aps, websites, games, are all series of instructions.

Why Learn To Code

Learning to Code is literally you and I learning to tell computers what to do as well as teaching them how to think. The purpose of this, learning to tell computers what to do, is to make our lives more enjoyable.

Enjoyment comes in many different forms for many different people. Some people want to learn to Code so they can get a job that pays the bills. Other people want to learn to code so they can get a job they pays the soul. Some of us want to make our own games, websites, or social networks. Some of us the want to automate our work, water the grass, or automate our entire homes. Whatever it is that you want to do I believe that what you find here is going to help you.

Most Common Reasons People Fail at Learning to Code

  1. They think learning to code is hard
  2. They don't understand the basics of computers and networks
  3. They don't know why they are learning to code
  4. They are learning to Code for the Wrong Reasons